Wilson Transformer Company provides transformer solutions for transmission networks in Australia and around the world.
Our design and manufacturing operations are aligned to the stringent requirements of the high value strategic assets that are required to last more than 40 years.
Case 1 – Richmond Terminal Substation, Australia
AusNet Services
1 x 150MVA 220/66/11kV power transformer
Project description
Located in Mary St, Richmond, the Richmond Terminal Station is an integral part of Victoria’s electricity infrastructure. It is one of several high voltage electricity terminal stations that serve inner Melbourne, subsequently providing the state with a reliable supply of high voltage electricity. Over the years, WTC has provided AusNet Services and its predecessors many 150MVA 220kV power transformers commencing in 1984.
Case 2 – Muja Power Substation, Australia
Electricity Networks Corporation (Western Power)
1 x 550/490/60MVA 330/132/22kV power transformer
Project description
Muja Power Station is a power station 22km east of Collie, Western Australia. It has eight steam turbines served by coal-fired boilers that together generate a total capacity of 974MW of electricity. The coal is mined in the nearby Collie Sub-basin.
Case 3 – Chapel Street Substation, Australia
Transend Networks (now TasNetworks)
4 x 150/200/260MVA 220/110/11kV power transformer
Project description
Transend Networks was responsible for the development and maintenance of Tasmania’s electricity transmission infrastructure, transmitting electricity from power stations in Tasmania and on mainland Australia (via Basslink) to their customers around the state. Transend’s customers include electricity generators, electricity networks and major industrial customers.